Sitecore 8 Saving Web Forms for Marketers 8 data into SQL Database

In Sitecore 8, the Web Form for Marketers module saves the forms data into MongoDB, but what if the client wants to disable Sitecore analytics and get rid of MongoDB.

In Order to save the data for the WFFM 8.X into the SQL database, you might need to install the module which I have published from this link


This module was built over Alan Coates's module (WEB FORMS FOR MARKETERS 2.5 - SQL PROVIDER) which is compatible with Sitecore 7.5 and WFFM 2.5.

The Installation Steps:

  1. Install the package, this Installation will override the save to database action, so select the overwrite option.
  2. In the [site root]\Website\Data find Sitecore_WFFM.bak and restore the web forms for marketers database, this will create the WFFM SQL database that the module uses.
  3. Ensure the WFM.ConnectionString setting in this path
    [site root]\Website\app_config\include\Sitecore.Forms.config is set to the name of the connection string for the WFFM SQL database that we restored.
  4. Add the connection string for the WFFM Database as follows in your ConnectionStrings.config file:
<add name="wfm" connectionString="user id=[USER ID];password=[password];Data Source=[Server] />

The Result:

After you complete the steps above, the module will override the "SaveToDatabase Action" and save the forms data into the restored database that I mentioned above.

This module provides the following functionalities:

1- Views all the data through Sitecore CMS.

Open the content tree and click on any form item, then click "Form Data" ribbon button. This will open a new page through Sitecore that shows all the forms data.

2- Exports the forms data into a CSV.

Open the content tree and click on any form item, then click "Export Data as CSV" ribbon button. For more details about this feature refer to Alan's blog here

Finally, I want to say thanks to Alan Coates for his work.

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